Comprehensive ABA Program


In BIG’s Comprehensive ABA Program, we teach children on the autism spectrum the skills necessary to learn from their natural environment in the same manner that typically developing children do. 

We teach children using ABA therapy, a scientifically-proven method to treating autism. Our classrooms are individually tailored to address problem behaviors in each of our students and pair children with instructors at a 1:1 ratio. In order to provide the most optimal learning environment for each child, he/she is placed in a learning environment with other children of a similar age and Verbal Behavior (VB) level.  This structure allows the child access to a therapy team who is highly qualified in the implementation of the programs, teaching methods, and tactics used in their classroom.  This structure also allows a child who achieves the pre-determined transition criteria for his/her classroom to advance to the next the classroom of the new VB level. The programs, instructional methods/tactics, and learning environments are tailored to each child’s needs and continually change as the child progresses. 

In our Comprehensive ABA Program, behavior analysts incorporate group learning, play, self-help, communication and academic learning skills into each classroom. We also integrate typical peer models into several classrooms to provide positive interactions, demonstrate play skills and shape appropriate language and behavior.

BIG’s Comprehensive ABA Program offers a number of features and benefits including:

  • 1:1 child-instructor ratio

  • 30-40 hours of ABA services each week recommended based on our initial assessment

  • Year-round schooling

  • Field trips, class parties and on-campus activities

  • Quarterly progress reports and parent conferences

  • Monthly parent training sessions

For more information, call (225) 757-8002 or email us at